Essential Pros to Have on your Web Design Team

When you say the words “build me a website” are you still conjuring up an image of one superpowered person clicking away at a computer? The days of a lone web programmer to do it all are long gone. Whether you’re thinking about launching your first website or pondering why your current one isn’t ranking as well as you wanted it to, you’ve probably come to realize that there is a mile-long list of pros and services staking claim to forming part of your website’s potential success.



So what actually goes into a good website nowadays? Who does what and does your business really need it all? Fear not friends, we’re here to break it all down, bite-size! (Or…byte-size if you enjoy a good pun like us).

Must-Have Services for Your Website

From e-commerce to informational to lead generating, whether you’re B2C or B2B, here are some basic (read, by no means exhaustive) elements of website design that your web team should bring. There’s no one ring to rule ‘em all in today’s worldwide web – teamwork makes this dream work!

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Website Designer

Planning a website usually starts with mapping out an overall layout, look and feel – from branding to menus, pages to forms and more. Your web designer will consider important aspects like how your website will work for your users, the journey they’ll go on, and how to make sure they find what they need.

With accessibility guidelines, app-integration, privacy compliance, security and more, the bar is constantly being raised for website designs. Partner with a web team that thinks forward and is constantly scanning for the upcoming curve to keep you ahead of the pack.

SEO Specialist and Content Creator

When it comes to websites, looks are important but you’ve gotta be able to back it up! Since making sure your target audience can find you in the ranks of search engines (oh HEY Google!) is usually a key purpose for a website, it’s vital to have an SEO strategy and research. With a sound SEO strategy in place your copywriter can create content (the actual words and technical writing for your website) that tells search engines – pick me, and dazzle users once they’re reading.

Amp up your website’s presence with a social media strategy to match. Learn more about Patch Design solutions for social media here. #DesignThatConnects

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Web Developer

This magician of a technical genius takes your website’s design and content from plan into action. Bringing your website online will involve multiple layers of programming and expertise – everything from getting the website name you want to server setup, coding and scripts and more. Web developers are fundamental to make your website look and do, well…all the things smoothly!

It’s simply not enough for businesses and organizations to build a website and forget it. Ongoing maintenance, updating your brand vibes and awesome new content are crucial components to keep your website a high-functioning valuable asset that works for you (and your users) around the clock.

Project Manager

Last but certainly not least, it’s always a 5-star idea to have one person within your web agency who is designated to manage your website project. This ringmaster helps everything move along smoothly and to deadline, coordinating each piece of this puzzle into perfect place. Depending on the overall scope you could expect your project manager to be the key go-to person involved on tasks from start to finish; mapping out your website’s needs and goals, tying in your brand strategy and unveiling your glorious team creation.

Websites can range from full-on DIY with build your own platforms to highly technical major team undertakings, and every click in between. No matter where your web-aware self falls in the spectrum, your organization needs a website that’s right for you, and your users.

Learn more about Patch Design’s services for Website Design & Programming. We’re here to make your website a gold star for your business!


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Want to know more about web design services? Got a question about SEO strategies? Need a local restaurant recommendation? Whatever’s on your mind.