We’ve all been there. That gut-punch moment when you’re going through your regularly scheduled community management and then you see it…The negative comment. The one that will borough its way into your brain for the next 70 years. The one you know will haunt you on your deathbed as your great-grandchildren gather round and ask you about your greatest regret, and you’ll softly whisper “I regret not having a snappier comeback to WaffleLover69 when they told me my video editing skills were worse than the folks who created the RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 1 Vaseline filter…You get that reference in 2098, right?”

But wait! Don’t let the haters get you down! You’re doing a great job and one bad comment does not a poor account or social media manager make! In fact, the time of the customer always being right is over!

While we can respect people’s thoughts and opinions, we’re entering a new era of online civility, one where humour rules and trolls are slain in the bowels of the internet, a golden age of opportunity for brands to respond with candor, comedy and conviction.

And, we truly believe this as a design agency…we’ve officially entered our Clapback Era!

Little known fact, Master Yoda is one of the best Clap-backers ever.

Defining the Clapback

What’s a “clapback” you ask? That is what the kids today are describing when they use a sassy, witty retort to a negative comment meant to throw the attacker off their game. The best part is that clapbacks – when done right, especially from a brand perspective – can turn a negative situation into a positive one. It’s all about finding that sacred balance between humour and professionalism in your response, so let’s explore how you can start clappin’ back with aplomb.

The Art of the Clapback: Why it Matters and When to Use It

Responding to negative feedback shows you’re engaged and care about your messaging. Ignoring criticism can deter potential customers, while a clever clapback can turn the situation around. Showcase the human behind the brand with funny anecdotes and zippy comebacks, and you might yet convert critics into loyal customers.

It’s always important to assess the situation before you respond, too, and make sure that it’s an appropriate opportunity to flex your Clapback muscles. For instance, you wouldn’t respond to a reasonable client or customer’s complaint about a product or service in this way, but if someone is being negative for the sake of negativity, that is where the clapback gets its power.

Remember, never respond to negativity with more negativity. Keep it positive and witty, and always uphold your brand’s integrity.

Buzz and Woody know a troll when they see one, especially after meeting Sid.

Companies Who are Clapping Back for Themselves

It’s time for some examples of companies who truly mastered the artform of the clapback, here are some of our favs:


  • Criticism: “How much does a Big Mac cost?”
  • Clapback: “Your dignity.”
  • Viral Impact: This tweet went viral, with fans appreciating Wendy’s bold humour, reinforcing their reputation for having a sharp social media presence.


  • Criticism: “I delate duolingo.”
  • Clapback: “Looks like you needed me the most.”
  • Viral Impact: Duolingo shared various users’ negative comments accompanied by Duo’s witty responses across their social channels, highlighting that they aren’t afraid of criticism.


  • Criticism: “You should delete your account.”
  • Clapback: “You should delete your mean comment.”
  • Viral Impact: MoonPie’s playful and assertive response won praise and shares, showing they don’t shy away from defending themselves in a sweet, empathetic way.

Elements that Make a Successful Clapback

Let’s break down some of the key elements that worked for these brands, shall we?

First up, Tone!

The tone of your response should always match your brand’s voice. For instance, Wendy’s cheeky and irreverent responses have become synonymous with their online presence through a very curated, very strategic process. But that didn’t just happen overnight. As a company that was founded in the 1960s when their brand was family-oriented and existed solely to shill solid burgers (and social media had yet to seduce us all with its siren song,) this kind of tone would have been unheard of, offensive even.

But with the advent of social media, the shift of traditional marketing and the need to reach a wider, younger audience, Wendy’s recognized they had an opportunity to pivot, and pivot they did!

Boom. Roasted.

While they still ran more traditional commercial ads, the marketing department shifted their social media voice to be more playful with their customers. They started responding to online criticism with bold, brassy “roasts.” It was a genius move and thanks to this pivot back in 2016, the company saw major sales spikes, growing their net income from $129.6 million in 2016 to $194 million in 2017. (medium.com)

Their marketing department attributed a large portion of this growth to their online persona connecting with a new audience, and their growing online popularity helped solidify them as a go-to fast-food joint. In fact, it’s become a notorious online challenge to be “roasted by Wendy’s!”

Which leads us to our next point…

Content and context.

Content is key when building your Clapback. It’s important to volley with your audience so that it’s witty and relatable and done in the right context. When we look at the Duolingo example, they use their audience’s negativity boldly and publicly to showcase how ridiculous online trolls can sometimes be, creating regular content that highlights their hilarious responses across their social channels through videos, images and challenges.

When Duolingo pivoted their social branding in February 2021, it was thanks to the incredible mind of Zaria Parvez. Being Gen Z herself, she had a unique understanding of their desire for real interaction instead of the drabness of brand-speak, so she tried something new… She humanized Duolingo by becoming a living version of Duo, the brand’s owl mascot. By crafting responses through Duo, Parvez created a beloved, quippy character that fans adore, building a fan-base that was eager for her clever gibes and who would come to Duo’s aid whenever someone was negative towards them online. Haters beware.     Thanks to their completely delightfully chaotic internet persona, Duolingo has grown into one of the most well-known and referenced examples of how a brand can Clapback with class and raise up an audience of people who will always have your back. Check out some of their best examples on TikTok. You won’t be disappointed.

The sheer audacity…We love it.

The last rule to follow is the simplest. Be Timely with your responses!

Timing is a crucial part of any successful Clapback. Why? Because you want to showcase to your audience that you’re attentive and listening to them. Plus, it’s important to catch these comments when your audience is engaged. If you see a negative response and don’t reply for over a week, people have moved on and the damage has been done, but catch it quickly and you can endear your audience to you.

Take MoonPie, for example, whose swift response to “You should delete your account” earned them praise because they caught the comment while it was still fresh on followers’ feeds.  It gained likes, comments and praise from their audience immediately, who otherwise would have lost this chance to defend their beloved brand.

Sorry, Mom, Moonpies ARE for kids!

Time to Clap-forward

We hope you’ve seen the light and feel inspired to start gettin’ groovy with your brand voice, have a little more fun and shake things up a bit with your audience, and that you’ll leave your deathbed regrets for things that truly matter, like that time you said your ex’s name when introducing your new partner to your friends. Stuff like that.

Here’s a little summary of everything we covered to craft a great Clapback:

  1. Assess the Situation: Not all criticism needs a response. Evaluate first.
  2. Know Your Audience: Use a tone that will resonate with them.
  3. Craft the Message: Make it clever and on-brand.
  4. Be Quick: Timely responses show you’re paying attention and capitalize on the moment.
  5. Post and Monitor: Post and monitor engagement, ready to interact further if necessary.

And if you need any support or aren’t sure where to start, Patch is here to help! Our team of delightful creative ladies can not only help you craft the perfect Clapback, but also manage your social media and turn your brand into an online sensation!

In the meantime, remember: Trolls are everywhere nowadays, but you deserve some dang levity when dealing with them. It’s your time to shine! So go forth and, as RuPaul, queen Goddess herself says, Clapback, friends. Clapback.