Picture this: You’re scrolling through your Instagram or TikTok feed and see the cutest new dance popping up everywhere, and you think to yourself “Oh yeah, I could do that…” For the next two days, you see that dance everywhere – celebrities and influencers all have their own versions. Even McDonald’s delightfully horrifying purple monster Grimmace is bustin’ out their sweet moves. You decide this is it, this is the trend you’re going to jump on! You’re a dancing queen and nail it on your third try (while filming) but decide to wait until tomorrow to post. When you go to upload, you notice that there’s a new trend going viral and your feed no longer has any reference to your beloved dance. You hesitate and decide not to post. You’re a little heartbroken thinking about all the time you put into thinking and not doing, cursing yourself for not posting sooner, you know, like the two days before when it was hot, hot, hot. And that’s when you realize… you’ve got “Social Media FOMO.” 

Shake your groove thang, Grimmace!

The Anxiety of Staying Current: Is Your Content Already Out of Date? 

Let’s face it: social media can feel like a giant, relentless treadmill, and if you’re not keeping pace, you’ll be flung right off. Businesses often find themselves scrambling to hop on the latest trend, only to wonder if they’re too late and if the moment has already passed. 

Then again, the speed at which content goes viral (and then vanishes) is part of what makes these platforms so wonderfully dynamic! So, instead of viewing this as something to keep up with, think of it as an opportunity! (Be the hamster on the wheel, not the one being flung off!) 

Each new trend is a chance to connect with your audience in a fresh and creative way, and even if a trend has passed, there’s always a new one on the horizon!  

The beauty of social media is that there’s no single “right way” to do it! It’s all about finding what works for your brand and your audience. The fear of missing out is real, but so is the opportunity to create lasting connections by staying true to your unique voice.  

The longer you watch, the faster he goes!

The Trend Lifecycle: From Viral to Vintage in a Flash 

Remember the Harlem Shake? How about the mannequin challenge? These viral sensations took over the internet seemingly overnight, but their popularity dropped off just as quickly. Trends have a lifecycle: they start with a bang, peak, and then fade into obscurity (often quicker than we’d like to admit). 

So, instead of always searching for the latest viral trend, focus on long-term connections. Timeless content—the kind that speaks to your core message and values—will always stand the test of time. Think of it like fashion: trends may come and go, but classic styles never die (even if we want them too… Ugg boots, anyone?)

Look at him go! Lil’ pug in uggs!

By mixing evergreen content with occasional trendy posts, you can strike the perfect balance: staying timely while building long-term trust with your audience. Great examples of this are campaigns like Dove’s “Real Beauty” or the dairy industry’s “Got Milk?” These messages transcend trends, standing strong even when the social media landscape changes. That’s the kind of content we strive to create at Patch—pieces that remain relevant long after the current social media trend has fizzled out. 

Picking the Right Moments to Shine & Finding Your Groove 

Something important to remember is that you don’t have to participate in every viral moment to stay relevant. Sometimes, the best move is knowing when to sit one out. Being selective about the trends you engage with keeps your brand from feeling forced or inauthentic. 

It’s kind of like curating a playlist. Sure, you could put together an entire 14 hours of Nickleback and Nickleback covers, but if you don’t love Nickleback and you’re just scrambling to create something for all those Nickle-heads, it’s going to show. Instead, just use Photograph (shush, you know you like it) and then make the rest of the music match your flow! Throw in some Disney, whydontcha? It’s a whole new world, so you don’t need every song, just the ones that fit your vibe. 

It goes on forever, just like the song on a loop in your brain… You’re welcome.

Like building a perfect playlist, when you find the right moments that align with your values, those are the trends that can really make an impact. Whether it’s a heartwarming behind-the-scenes video or a fun challenge that showcases your team’s personality, the key is authenticity. Your audience will appreciate it when your participation feels natural and true to who you are. 

Relax, We’ve Got This! : How Patch Can Ease Your Social Media FOMO 

Let’s be honest: no one has time to keep up with every trend, especially when you’re also trying to run a business. That’s why Patch is here—to relieve the pressure of social media FOMO and keep your brand ahead of the curve. We keep our finger on the pulse of what’s happening in the digital world so you don’t have to. 

Whether you’re riding the wave of the latest trend or crafting content that stands the test of time, we’ve got the know-how to help you navigate it all. We’ll help you focus on what really matters: connecting with your audience in meaningful ways that stay true to your brand, all while you can focus on what you do best: running your business.  

So, why stress over the next big thing? Let Patch handle the FOMO, and we’ll keep your brand ahead of the game without breaking a sweat.

We don’t sweat, we glisten.